Course curriculum

  • 1

    Welcome to The History of Christianity in America

  • 2

    Before We Get Started...

  • 3

    Lesson #1: Introduction & Origin Story

    • Welcome to Lesson #1: Introduction and Origin Story

    • "Introduction & Origin Story"

    • Lesson #1 Quiz

  • 4

    Lesson #2: Defining Puritans, Pietists, and Evangelicals

    • Welcome to Lesson #2: Defining Puritans, Pietists, and Evangelicals

    • "Defining Puritans, Pietists, and Evangelicals"

    • Lesson #2 Quiz

  • 5

    Lesson #3: Founding Generation and Documents

    • Welcome to Lesson #3: Founding Generation and Documents

    • "Founding Generation and Documents"

    • Lesson #3 Quiz

  • 6

    Lesson #4: The Second Great Awakening

    • Welcome to Lesson #4: The Second Great Awakening

    • "The Second Great Awakening"

    • Lesson #4 Quiz

  • 7

    Lesson #5: Christianity and The Civil War

    • Welcome to Lesson #5: Christianity and The Civil War

    • "Christianity and The Civil War"

    • Lesson #5 Quiz

  • 8

    Lesson #6: Turn of the Century to the Fundamentalist/Modernist Controversy

    • Welcome to Lesson #6: Turn of the Century to the Fundamentalist/Modernist Controversy

    • "Turn of the Century to the Fundamentalist/Modernist Controversy"

    • Lesson #6 Quiz

  • 9

    Lesson #7: Christianity and the Courts in the 20th Century

    • Welcome to Lesson #7: Christianity and the Courts in the 20th Century

    • "Christianity and the Courts in the 20th Century"

    • Lesson #7 Quiz

  • 10

    Lesson #8: Evangelicals, The Religious Right, and the Modern Megachurch

    • Welcome to Lesson #8: "Evangelicals, The Religious Right and the Modern Megachurch"

    • "Evangelicals, The Religious Right, and the Modern Megachurch"

    • Lesson #8 Quiz

  • 11

    Congrats! You've Completed, "The History of Christianity in America"