Course curriculum

  • 1

    Welcome to Introduction to Apologetics

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    Before We Get Started...

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    Lesson #1: What is Apologetics?

    • Welcome to Lesson #1: What is Apologetics?

    • "What is Apologetics?"

    • Lesson #1 Quiz

  • 4

    Lesson #2: The Historical Apologetic Approach

    • Welcome to Lesson #2: The Historical Apologetic Approach

    • "The Historical Apologetic Approach"

    • Lesson #2 Quiz

  • 5

    Lesson #3: Arguments for God's Existence

    • Welcome to Lesson #3: Arguments for God's Existence

    • "Arguments for God's Existence"

    • Lesson #3 Quiz

  • 6

    Lesson #4: The Integrity of the New Testament

    • Welcome to Lesson #4: The Integrity of the New Testament

    • "The Integrity of the New Testament"

    • Lesson #4 Quiz

  • 7

    Lesson #5: The Apologetic Task Today

    • Welcome to Lesson #5: The Apologetic Task Today

    • "The Apologetic Task Today"

    • Lesson #5 Quiz

  • 8

    Congrats! You've Completed, "Introduction to Apologetics"