Course curriculum

  • 1

    Welcome to Theology of the Augsburg Confession

  • 2

    Before We Get Started...

  • 3

    Lesson #1: Historical Introduction

    • Welcome to Lesson #1: Historical Introduction

    • "Historical Introduction"

    • Lesson #1 Quiz

  • 4

    Lesson #2: Articles I-IV: God, Original Sin, The Son of God, Justification, Office of the Ministry

    • Welcome to Lesson #2: Articles I-IV: God, Original Sin, The Son of God, Justification, Office of the Ministry

    • "Articles I-IV: God, Original Sin, The Son of God, Justification, Office of the Ministry"

    • Lesson #2 Quiz

  • 5

    Lesson #3: Articles VI-X: The New Obedience, The Church, Baptism, The Lord's Supper

    • Welcome to Lesson #3: Articles VI-X: The New Obedience, The Church, Baptism, The Lord's Supper

    • "Articles VI-X: The New Obedience, The Church, Baptism, The Lord's Supper"

    • Lesson #3 Quiz

  • 6

    Lesson #4: Articles XI-XIV: Confession, Repentance, Use of the Sacraments, Strength in the Church

    • Welcome to Lesson #4: Articles XI-XIV: Confession, Repentance, Use of the Sacraments, Strength in the Church

    • "Articles XI-XIV: Confession, Repentance, Use of the Sacraments, Strength in the Church"

    • Lesson #4 Quiz

  • 7

    Lesson #5: Articles XV-XVII: Church Usages, Civil Government, The Return of Christ to Judgment

    • Welcome to Lesson #5: Articles XV-XIII: Church Usages, Civil Government, The Return of Christ to Judgment

    • "Articles XV-XIII: Church Usages, Civil Government, The Return of Christ to Judgment"

    • Lesson #5 Quiz

  • 8

    Lesson #6: Articles XVIII-XXI: The Cause of Sin, Faith and Good Works, The Worship of the Saints

    • Welcome to Lesson #6: Articles XVIII-XXI: Freedom of the Will, The Cause of Sin, Faith and Good Works, The Worship of the Saints

    • "Articles XVIII-XXI: Freedom of the Will, The Cause of Sin, Faith and Good Works, The Worship of the Saints"

    • Lesson #6 Quiz

  • 9

    Congrats! You've Completed, "Theology of the Augsburg Confession"